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043 $c DE $c GB $c US $c SG $c CH
046 $s 2015
110 2 $a Springer Nature.
368 $a Wydawcy.
370 $c Niemcy.
370 $c Wielka Brytania.
370 $c Stany Zjednoczone.
370 $c Singapur.
370 $c Szwajcaria.
370 $e Berlin (Niemcy).
370 $e Londyn (Wielka Brytania).
370 $e Nowy Jork (Stany Zjednoczone).
370 $e Singapur.
377 $a eng
410 2 $a Springer imprint of Springer Nature.
410 2 $a Springer.
410 2 $a J. B. Metzler ist Teil von Springer Nature.
410 2 $a Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature.
410 2 $a Birkhäuser.
410 2 $a Macmillan Education.
410 2 $a Nature Research.
410 2 $a BiomedCentral.
410 2 $a Palgrave Macmillan.
410 2 $a Springer Healthcare.
410 2 $a Scientific American.
410 2 $a Springer Nature/Springer.
410 2 $a Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
410 2 $a Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.
410 2 $a SpringerOpen.
410 2 $a Springer Nature/SpringerOpen.
410 2 $a Springer International Publishing AG.
410 2 $a Springer US.
410 2 $a Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.
410 2 $a Springer Spektrum.
410 2 $a Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH, part of Springer Nature.
410 2 $a Red Globe Press an imprint of Springer Nature Limited.
410 2 $a Red Globe Press.
410 2 $a Macmillan International Higher Education.
410 2 $a Springer Nature/Red Globe Press.
410 2 $a Springer Nature/Macmillan International Higher Education/Red Globe Press.
410 2 $a Macmillan International Higher Education/Red Globe Press.
410 2 $a Palgrave Macmillan imprint of Springer Nature.
410 2 $a Springer Vieweg imprint is published by the registered company Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE part of Springer Nature.
410 2 $a Springer Vieweg.
410 2 $a Copernicus.
410 2 $a Copernicus Books is a brand of Springer.
410 2 $a Red Globe Press an imprint of Macmillan Education Limited.
410 2 $a Springer Nature Switzerland.
410 2 $a Springer Nature Switzeland.
410 2 $a Springer Nature Singapore.
410 2 $a Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE, part of Springer Nature.
665 $a Springer Nature powstał w maju 2015 dzięki połączeniu Nature Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan, Macmillan Education i Springer Science+Business Media. Głównymi udziałowcami Springer Nature są Holtzbrinck Publishing Group i BC Partners Holtzbrinck z rodzinną firmą w Stuttgarcie. Marki: Springer, Nature Research, BiomedCentral, Macmillan Education, Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Healthcare, Scientific American. Red Globe Press (początkowo imprint Palgrave Macmillan od 2018 imprint w ramach Macmillan International Higher Education). Siedziby firmy: Berlin, Londyn, Nowy Jork, Singapur, Cham.
670 $a Kp. Transkulturalität der deutschschweizer Literatur / Vesna Kondrič Horvat (Hrsg.). - Wiesbaden, cop. 2017. $b Wydawca: (J. B. Metzler ist Teil von Springer Nature).
670 $a Kp. Waste bioremediation / Sunita J. Varjani [et al.]. - Singapore, © 2018.- K. tyt.: (Springer) ; s. red.: (© Springer Nature Singapore; This Springer imprint is published by Springer Nature; The registered company is Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., the registered company address is: 152 Beach Road, #21-01/04 Gateway East, Singapore 189721, Singapore)
670 $a en.wikipedia, 13.06.18 $b (Springer Nature powstał w 2015 roku w wyniku fuzji Nature Publishing Group, Palgrave Macmillan i Macmillan Education (prowadzonej przez Holtzbrinck Publishing Group) z Springer Science + Business Media (prowadzonej przez BC Partners). Plany połączenia zostały ogłoszone 15 stycznia 2015 r. Transakcja została zawarta w maju 2015 r., A Holtzbrinck posiadał większość 53% udziałów) $u
670 $a Springer Nature, 13.06.2018 $u
670 $a Kp. Geometry through history / Meighan I. Dillon. - Cham, cop. 2017. $b S. tyt.: (Springer) ; s. red.: (Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. Operator theory in different settings and related applications / Roland Duduchava [et al.], eds. - Cham, cop. 2018. $b S. tyt.: (Birkhäuser) ; s. red.: (Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. Pflügers Archiv : European Journal of Physiology (Online). - Basel, 1868-. $b (Springer Nature Switzerland A.G.)
670 $a Kp. Electronic states in crystals of finite size : quantum confinement of Bloch waves / Shang Yuan Ren. - 2nd ed. - Singapore, 2017. $b Wyd.: (Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd)
670 $a Kp. Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education / Gabriele Kaiser, ed. - Cham, 2017. $b S. tyt.: (SpringerOpen) ; s. red.: (Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. Michał Kalecki : an intellectual biography. 2 / Jan Toporowski. - Cham, cop. 2018. $b S. red.: (Palgrave Macmillan imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. Public international law and human rights violations by private military and security companies / Helena Torroja, ed. - Cham, cop. 2017. $b S. tyt.: (Springer) ; s. red.: (© Springer International Publishing AG)
670 $a Kp. Abdominal Radiology. - New York, N.Y., 2016-. $b (Springer US)
670 $a Kp. Time-space, spiking neural networks and brain-inspired artificial intelligence / Nikola K. Kasabov. - Berlin , cop. 2019. $b S. tyt.: (Springer) ; s. red.: (© Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature) ; (Springer-Verlag GmbH DE, part of Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. On stochastic optimization problems and an application in finance / Josef Anton Strini. - Wiesbaden, cop. 2019. $b S. red.: (This Springer Spektrum imprint is published by the registered company Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden GmbH part of Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. Macroeconomics / William Mitchell, L. Randall Wray, Martin Watts. - London, 2019. $b Wydawca (Red Globe Press an imprint of Springer Nature Limited).
670 $a Kp. Medical history / Ian Miller. - London, 2018. $b Wydawca, s. tyt.: (Macmillan International Higher Education ; Red Globe Press)
670 $a Kp. Macmillan International Higher Education, 22.08.2019 $u
670 $a Kp. Network embeddedness / Milena Ratajczak-Mrozek. - Cham, © 2017. $b S. red. (This Palgave Macmillan imprint is published by Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. Mosguitoes / Norbert Becker [et al.]. - Cham, cop. 2020. $b (Springer Nature Switzeland)
670 $a Kp. Alternative powertrains and extensions to the conventional powertrain / Michael Hilgers, Wilfried Achenbach. - Berlin, © 2021. - $b Wydawca, k. tyt.: (Springer Vieweg) ; s. red.: (Springer-Verlag GmBH Germany, part of Springer Nature; The Springer Vieweg is published by the registered company Springer-Verlag GmBH, DE part Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. What is random? / Edward Beltrami. - Cham, 2020. $b S. tyt.: (Copernicus Books is a brand of Springer) ; s. red.: (Copernicus is part of Springer, an imprint published by Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. Law and development. - Singapore, 2019. $b Wydawca (Springer Nature Singapore)
670 $a Kp. Maximizing the impacts of academic research / Patrick Dunleavy and Jane Tinkler. - London, 2021. $b (na s. red.: Red Globe Press an imprint of Macmillan Education Limited)
670 $a Kp. Mine water treatment / Christian Wolkersdorfer. - Berlin, © 2022. $b Strona redakcyjna: (Springer-Verlag GmbH, DE, part of Springer Nature)
670 $a Kp. Deep learning / Christopher M. Bishop, Hugh Bishop. - Cham, © 20224. $b Strona redakcyjna: (This Springer imprint is published by the registered company Springer Nature Switzerland AG, [...] Gewerbestrasse 11, 6330 Cham, Switzerland)
670 $a Google, 2024.03.07 $b (Springer Nature Switzerland) $u
999 $a VIRTUA4          x
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