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043 $c US
046 $s 1924
110 2 $a Simon & Schuster.
368 $a Wydawcy.
370 $c Stany Zjednoczone.
370 $e Nowy Jork (Stany Zjednoczone).
377 $a eng
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster Inc.
410 2 $a CBS Corporation. $b Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon and Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster. $b Atria Books/Washington Square Press.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster Paperbacks.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Macmillan Reference USA.
410 2 $a Macmillan Reference USA - a Division of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster Company.
410 2 $a Threshold Editions.
410 2 $a Threshold Editions a division of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Threshold Editions.
410 2 $a Exeter Book.
410 2 $a Simon and Schuster, Inc./Exeter Books.
410 2 $a Gallery Books.
410 2 $a Gallery Books a Division of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster Education.
410 2 $a Margaret K. McElderry Books.
410 2 $a Margaret K. McElderry Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Children's Publishing Division/Margaret K. McElderry Books.
410 2 $a Prentice Hall Press - trademark of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Prentice Hall Press.
410 2 $a Gallery Books a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Scribner.
410 2 $a Scribner.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Atria.
410 2 $a Atria.
410 2 $a Touchstone.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Touchstone.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Free Press.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books.
410 2 $a Howard Books.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Howard Books.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers.
410 2 $a Atheneum Books for Young Readers.
410 2 $a Simon Pulse.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Simon Pulse.
410 2 $a Aladdin.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Aladdin.
410 2 $a Little Simon.
410 2 $a Simon Spotlight.
410 2 $a Fireside Book.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Fireside Book.
410 2 $a Lisa Drew Book is a trademark of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Lisa Drew Book.
410 2 $a Atria Books is a trademark of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Meadowbrook.
410 2 $a Macmillan General Reference USA/A Simon & Schuster Macmillan Company.
410 2 $a Kenan Press.
410 2 $a Kenan Press and Colophon are trademarks of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Frommer/Pasmantier Publishers - a Division of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Aladdin Paperbacks - an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division - an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division.
410 2 $a Aladdin Paperbacks.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Aladdin Paperbacks.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster BFYR, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster BFYR.
410 2 $a Webster's New World Dictionaries - a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Webster's New World.
410 2 $a Scribner - a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Summit Books.
410 2 $a Frommer/Pasmantier Publishers Corporation.
410 2 $a Schirmer Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Macmillan.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Emily Bestler Books.
410 2 $a Emily Bestler Books, trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Atria Books.
410 2 $a Pocket Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing.
410 2 $a Twayne Publishers an imprint of Simon & Schuster Macmillan.
410 2 $a Pocket Books, a Simon & Schuster division of Gulf & Western Corporation.
410 2 $a Prentice Hall Press.
410 2 $a Prentice Hall Europe, a division of Simon & Schuster International Group.
410 2 $a Prentice Hall Europe.
410 2 $a Monarch Press.
410 2 $a Monarch Press, a Simon & Schuster division of Gulf & Western Corporation.
410 2 $a Monarch Press, trademark of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Monarch Press.
410 2 $a Prentice Hall, Inc., a division of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Atria Paperback, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Essandess Special Editions, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Frommer/Pasmantier Publishing Corporation.
410 2 $a Monarch Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Scribner, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Julian Messner.
410 2 $a Scribner Poetry.
410 2 $a Scribner Poetry a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Scribner Poetry an Imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Scribner Paperback Fiction.
410 2 $a 37INK/Atria an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/37INK Atria.
410 2 $a 37INK.
410 2 $a Emily Bestler Books/ATRIA, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/ Prentice-Hall.
410 2 $a Prentice-Hall, Inc. A division of Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Regents Publishing Company, Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Regents Publishing Company.
410 2 $a Tiller Press am Inprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Tiller Press.
410 2 $a Linden Press/Simon & Schuster.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster, a Paramount Communications Company.
410 2 $a Avid Reader Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
410 2 $a Atria Paperback.
410 2 $a Simon & Schuster/Atria Paperback.
665 $a Wydawnictwo Simon & Schuster założone w 1924 przez Richarda L. Simona i M. Lincolna Schustera, z główną siedzibą w Nowym Jorku. Publikują w Stanach Zjednoczonych, Kanadzie, Wielkiej Brytanii i Australii, od 2011 także w Indiach. Oddział wydawnictwa: Atria Books posługuje się imprintem Washington Square Press. W 1986 w ramach wyd. powstała marka wydawnicza Silver Burdett Ginn utworzona z połącznia Silver Burdett z Ginn and Company (istniała do 1998). Imprinty: Macmillan Reference USA (od 1989), Exeter Book, Prentice Hall Press, Scribner, Atria, 37INK/Atria, Touchstone, Threshold Editions, Gallery Books, Free Press, Pocket Books, Howard Books, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, Atheneum Books for Young Readers, Simon Pulse, Aladdin, Little Simon, Simon Spotlight, Atria Books, Meadowbrook, Kenan Press, Frommer/Pasmantier Publishers, Twayne Publishers, Monarch Press, Atria Paperback, Julian Messner (od 1966, literatura dla dzieci), Scribner Poetry, Scribner Paperback Fiction, od ? Regents Publishing Company (zał. 1905, wydawca pocztówek), Avid Reader Press.
670 $a The Berlin wall / Norman Gelb. - New York [etc.], 1988. $b (Simon & Schuster)
670 $a LCA online $b (Simon & Schuster)
670 $a en.wikipedia, 24.01.2013
670 $a Simon & Schuster, 02.03.2015 $u
670 $a Hitler vs. Stalin / John Mosier. -  New York [etc.], 2010. $b (Simon & Schuster Paperbacks)
670 $a Within context / [aut.: Eugene Fisher et al.] ; prep. in coop. with the Secretariat for Catholic-Jewish Relations, National Conference of Catholic Bishops [etc.]. - Morristown, cop. 1987. $b (Silver Burdett&Ginn)
670 $a Kp. Encyclopedia of the American Presidency. Vol. 1 and 2 / ed. Leonard W. Levy, Louis Fisher. - New York ; London [etc.], 1998. $b S. tyt.: (Macmillan Reference USA - Simon & Schuster Macmillan)
670 $a Kp. Software requirements  / Alan M. Davis. - Englewood Cliffs, 1993. $b S. red.: (A Simon & Schuster Company)
670 $a Stalin's secret agents / M. Stanton Evans and Herbert Romerstein. - New York [etc.], 2013. $b (Threshold Editions a division of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a en.wikipedia, 09.10.2014
670 $a Sophia Loren in the camera eye / photography and commentary by Sam Shaw. - New York, cop. 1979. $b (Exeter Book)
670 $a LCA online $b (Exeter is a trademark of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a The perks of being wallflower / Stephen Chbosky. - New York [etc.], 2012. $b (Gallery Books a division of Simon & Schuster).
670 $a The local environment and the British Isles / Neil Punnett, Peter Webber, Stephen Murray. - Hemel Hempstead, 1992. $b (Simon & Schuster Education)
670 $a Honda / Robert L. Shook.- New York [etc.], 1988. $b (Prentice Hall Press - trademark of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Kp. A very Klingon Khristmas / Paul Ruditis. - New York, cop. 2013. $b (Gallery Books a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.)
670 $a Kp. Angels and demons / Dan Brown. - New York [etc.], 2003. $b S. red.: (Atria Books is a trademark of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Kp. Webster's dictionary game / Wilbur Webster. - New York, cop. 1987. $b S. tyt.: (Meadowbrook distributed by Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Kp. Getting into graduate business school today / Thomas H. Martinson and David P. Waldherr. - New York, cop. 1998. $b S. red.: (Macmillan General Reference USa A Simon & Schuster Macmillan Company)
670 $a Kp. My America! / Eliot Wagner. - New York, cop. 1980. $b S. tyt.: (Kenan Press)
670 $a Kp. Fronner's dollarwise guide to the Caribbean including Bermuda & the Bahamas / by Darwin Porter. - 1984-85 ed. - New York, cop. 1984. $b (Frommer/Pasmantier Publishers - a division of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Kp. Dogsong / Gary Paulsen. - 2nd ed. - New York [etc.]., 2007. $b S. tyt.: (Aladdin Paperbacks) ; s. red.: (Aladdin Paperbacks - an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division)
670 $a Kp. Sweetblood / Pete Hautman. - New York [etc.], cop. 2010. $b S. red.: (Simon & Schuster BFYF, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing Division)
670 $a Kp. Webster's New World Dictionary of American English / Victoria Neufeld, David B. Guralnik. - 3rd College ed., 2nd print. - New York, cop. 1988. $b S. red.: (Webster's New World Dictionaries - a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.) ; s. tyt.: (Webster's New World)
670 $a Kp. Kate Vaiden / Reynolds Price. - New York [etc.], [post 2006], 2011. $b S. red.: (Scribner - a Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.) ; s. tyt.: (Scribner)
670 $a Why did the chicken cross the world? : the epic saga of the bird that powers civilization / Andrew Lawler. - New York [etc.], 2014. $b S. red.: (Atria Books, a division of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Kp. The month-by-month atlas of World War II / Barrie and Frances Pitt. - New York, 1989. $b Wyd. (Summit Books; na s. red.: Summit Books are trademarks of Simon Schuster Inc.)
670 $a Happy Holland / by Arthur Frommer and John Godwin. - New York, 1967. $b S. red.: (The Frommer/Pasmantier Publishing Corporation)
670 $a Beethoven: The Ninth Symphony / David Benjamin Levy. - New York, cop. 1995. $b (Schirmer Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster Macmillan)
670 $a Kp. Foreign agent / Brad Thor. - New York [etc.], cop. 2016. S. tyt.: (Emily Bestler Books) ; s. red.: (Emily Bestler Books / Atria Books, trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc ; Atria Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Kp. Finders keepers / Stephen King. - New York [etc.], 2016. $b S. red.: (Pocket Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.)
670 $a Kp. Mr. Mercedes / Stephen King. - New York [etc.], 2015. $b S. red.: (Gallery Books, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.)
670 $a Reading women's lives / The Ohio State University Department of Women's Studies. - Needham Heights, 1997. $b S. red.: (Simon & Schuster Custom Publishing)
670 $a America for the Americans : the nativist movement in the United States / Dale T. Knobel. - New York [etc.], 1996. $b S. tyt.: (Twayne Publishers an imprint of Simon & Schuster Macmillan)
670 $a Kp. Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy-Onassis / by Stephen Birmingham. - New York, 1979. $b S. red.: (Pocket Books, a Simon & Schuster division of Gulf & Western Corporation)
670 $a How to find out anything : from extreme Google searches to scouring government documents, a guide to uncovering anything about everyone and everything / Don MacLeod. - New York, 2012. $b S. tyt.: (Prentice Hall Press)
670 $a Marketing management and strategy / Peter Doyle. - London [etc.], 1998. $b S. tyt.:(Prentice Hall Europe)
670 $a Kp. Hanery David Thoreau's Walden and on the duty of civil disobedience / Charlotte Alexander. - New York, 1965. $b Na s. red.: (Monarch Press, a Simon & Schuster division of Gulf & Western Corporation ; Monach Press, a tredemark of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Prolog  / John Malpas. - Engglewood Cliffs, cop. 1987. $b S. red.: (Prentice Hall, Inc., a division of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Kp. Flourish / Martin E. P. Seligman. - New York, NY, 2013. $b S. tyt.: (Atria Paperback), S. red.: (Atria Paperback, a division of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Psycho-cybernetics / by Maxwell Maltz. - New York, cop. 1960. $b S. red.: (Essandess Special Editions, a division of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Surprising Amsterdam / by Arthur Frommer. - New York, 1973. $b S. red.: (The Frommer/Pasmantier Publishing Corporation)
670 $a Beat literature / Gregor Roy. - New York, 1966. $b S. tyt.: (Monarch Press, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.)
670 $a Wildhood : the epic journey from adolescence to adulthood in humans and other animals / Barbara Natterson-Horowitz and Kathryn Bowers. - New York, 2019. $b Wyd.
670 $a World Series thrills : ten top thrills from 1912 to 1960 / by Joseph N. Bell. - New York, cop. 1962. $b Wyd. (Julian Messner, Inc.)
670 $a The best American poetry 2012 / editor Mark Doty . - New York, 2012. $b (Scribner Poetry, a Division of Simon and Shuster, Inc.)
670 $a The ship of dreams : the sinking of the Titanic and the end of the Edwardian era / Gareth Russell. - New York, 2019. $b S. red.: (Atria Books an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.)
670 $a The desert rose / Larry McMurtry. -  New York, 2002. $b S. red.: (Scribner Paperback Fiction, Simon & Schuster, Inc.)
670 $a Mr. president. how long must we wait? / Tina Cassidy. - New York [i pozostałe], 2019. $b (37INK/Atria)
670 $a Spy master / Brad Thor. - New York [i pozostałe], 2018. $b (Emily Bestler Books/ATRIA, an imprint of Simon & Schuster)
670 $a Family life in the U. S. A. : an easy reader / Gladys E. Alesi and Dora F. Pantell. - New York, copyright © 1962. $b Wydawca: (Regents Publishing Company, Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.)
670 $a Quarantine life from Cholera to Covid-19 / Kari Nixon. - New York [i pozostałe], © copyright 2021. $b (Tiller Press am Inprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.)
670 $a The only living witness / Stephen G. Michaud, Hugh Aynesworth. - New York, 1983. $b (Linden Press/Simon & Schuster)
670 $a The encyclopedia of the United States Congress / edited by Donald C. Bacon, Roger H. Davidson, Morton Keller. - New York [i pozostałe], copyright © 1995. $b (Simon & Schuster, a Paramount Communications Company)
670 $a Making numbers count / Chip Heath and Karla Starr. - New York [i pozostałe], 2022. $b (Avid Reader Press, an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Inc.)
670 $a 100 deadly skills / Clint Emerson. - New York [i pozostałe], 2019. $b S. tyt.: (Atria Paperback).
999 $a VIRTUA4          x
999 $a VTLSSORT0010*0080*0100*0240*0241*0242*0400*0430*0460*1100*3680*3700*3701*3770*4100*4101*4102*4103*4104*4105*4106*4107*4108*4109*41010*41011*41012*41013*41014*41015*41016*41017*41018*41019*41020*41021*41022*41023*41024*41025*41026*41027*41028*41029*41030*41031*41032*41033*41034*41035*41036*41037*41038*41039*41040*41041*41042*41043*41044*41045*41046*41047*41048*41049*41050*41051*41052*41053*41054*41055*41056*41057*41058*41059*41060*41061*41062*41063*41064*41065*41066*41067*41068*41069*41070*41071*41072*41073*41074*41075*41076*41077*41078*41079*41080*41081*41082*41083*41084*41085*41086*41087*41088*41089*41090*41091*41092*41093*41094*41095*41096*41097*41098*41099*410100*410101*410102*410103*410104*410105*6650*6700*6701*6702*6703*6704*6705*6706*6707*6708*6709*67010*67011*67012*67013*67014*67015*67016*67017*67018*67019*67020*67021*67022*67023*67024*67025*67026*67027*67028*67029*67030*67031*67032*67033*67034*67035*67036*67037*67038*67039*67040*67041*67042*67043*67044*67045*67046*67047*67048*67049*67050*67051*67052*67053*67054*67055*9992
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