Rekord MARC
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024 7 $a $2 uri
024 7 $a $2 uri
039 9 $a 202310250010 $b VLOAD $c 202310241546 $d fhp $c 202310230828 $d vuepozn $c 202310200828 $d uepozn $y 201210181616 $z pmk
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043 $c GB
046 $s 1986
110 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing.
368 $a Wydawcy.
370 $c Wielka Brytania.
370 $e Londyn (Wielka Brytania).
410 2 $a Bloomsbury.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing plc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Academic and Professional Division.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Information.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Adult Publishing.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Children's Publishing.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury/Methuen Drama.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Academic.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury/Fairchild Books.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Academic/Burns & Oates.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Academic Collections/Burns & Oates.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury/Burns & Oates.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Visual Arts.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury T&T Clark.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Press.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury/Bristol Classical Press.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Academic an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Bloomsbury Academic.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Children's Books.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Bloomsbury Children's Books.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Academic an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Conway, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
410 2 $a A & C Black.
410 2 $a Methuen Drama.
410 2 $a Methuen Drama, an imprint of Bloomsbury.
410 2 $a Fairchild Books.
410 2 $a Fairchild Books an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.
410 2 $a Whitaker's Almanack.
410 2 $a Bristol Classical Press.
410 2 $a Bristol Classical Press an imprint of Bloomsbury Academic.
410 2 $a Adlard Coles Nautical an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Green Tree.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Hart Publishing.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Continuum.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Bloomsbury Continuum.
410 2 $a Featherstone Education, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury T&T Clark an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Visual Arts an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Herbert Press.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Herbert Press.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Plc.
410 2 $a T&T Clark Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Hart Publishing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/I. B. Tauris.
410 2 $a I. B. Tauris.
410 2 $a I. B. Tauris & Co.
410 2 $a Philip Wilson Publishers.
410 2 $a PWP.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Wildlife.
410 2 $a Hart.
410 2 $a Hart Publishing.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing Plc/Hart Publishing.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Sigma.
410 2 $a I. B. Tauris - Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Adlard Coles Nautical.
410 2 $a Green Tree.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Circus.
410 2 $a t&t clark.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Arden Shakespeare, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Education.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Sport.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Information an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Bloomsbury Information.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Bloomsbury Sport.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Bloomsbury Education.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Publishing/Arden Shakespeare.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Natural History an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
410 2 $a Helm.
410 2 $a Bloomsbury Busienss, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
665 $a Bloomsbury Publishing powstało w 1986. Ma biura w Wielkiej Brytanii, USA, Australii i Indiach. Posiada 4 działy. Nie mylić z wydawnictwem Bloomsbury Books. Imprinty: Methuen Drama, Fairchild Books, Herbert Press, Burns & Oates (od 2012), A & C Black (od 2000), Whitaker's Almanack (od 2002), Adlard Coles Nautical, Hart Publishing (od 2013), Featherstone Education (od 2013), T&T Clark (od 2011), Philip Wilson Publishers (od 2018, po przejęciu I.B.Tauris & Co. Ltd), Bloomsbury Sigma,  Arden Shakespeare, Bloomsbury Sport.
670 $a Kp. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire / J. K. Rowling. - London, 2000.
670 $a Bloomsbury - Bloomsbury Publishing, 18.10.2012 $u
670 $a Kp. Media discourse / Norman Fairclough. - London ; New York, 2011.
670 $a Ten tiny fingers, nine tiny toes / Sue Townsend. - Repr. - London, 1995. $b (Methuen Drama)
670 $a Bloomsbury Publishing 15.01.2014 $u
670 $a Poel, Granville Barker, Guthrie, Wanamaker / ed. by Cary M. Mazer. - London [etc.], cop. 2013. $b (Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare)
670 $a A history of Eastern Europe 1740-1918 / Ian D. Armour. - New York, 2012. $b (Bloomsbury Academic)
670 $a Environmental psychology for design / Dak Kopec. - 2nd ed. - New York, cop. 2012. $b (Fairchild Books)
670 $a A history of photography in 50 cameras / Michael Pritchard. - London, cop. 2014. $b (Bloomsbury Visual Arts)
670 $a The true Herod / Geza Vermes. - London ; New York, 2014. $b (Bloomsbury T&T Clark)
670 $a The ascent of George Washington / John Ferling. - New York [etc.], 2009. $b (Bloomsbury Press)
670 $a Roman aqueducts & water supply / A. Trevor Hodge. - Impr. 2012. - London, dr. 2012. $b (Bristol Classical Press; s. red.: Bristol Classical Press an imprint of Bloomsbury Academic)
670 $a Photographs, museums, collections / edited by Elizabeth Edwards and Christopher Morton. - London [etc.], 2015. $b (Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc)
670 $a The fundamentals of landscape architecture / Tim Waterman. - London, 2015. $b (Fairchild Books an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing PLC)
670 $a Kp. No matter what / Debi Gliori. - London, 2006. $b (Bloomsbury Publishing/Bloomsbury Children's Books.)
670 $a A cornerstone of modern diplomacy : Britain and the negotiation of the 1961 Vienna convention on diplomatic relations / Kai Bruns. - New York [etc.], 2014. $b Wyd. (Bloomsbury Academic an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc.)
670 $a How to write about theatre / Mark Fisher. - London [etc.], 2016. $b Wyd.: (Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc)
670 $a Kp. Maps of war : mapping conflict through the centuries / Jeremy Black. -  London [etc.], 2016. $b (Conway, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing)
670 $a The boat data book / Ian Nicolson, Richard Nicolson. - 7th ed. - London [etc.], 2014. $b Wydawca : (Adlard Coles Nautical an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc).
670 $a International Specialized Books Services, 19.07.2017 $u
670 $a The strange death of Europe : immigration, identity, Islam / Douglas Murray. - London, 2017. $b (Bloomsbury Continuum)
670 $a The little book of writing / by Helen Campbell and Sally Featherstone. - London, 2013. $b S. red.: (Featherstone Education, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)
670 $a Marcan priority without Q: explorations in the Farrer hypothesis / edited by John C. Poirier and Jeffrey Peterson. - London ; New York, 2016. $b (Bloomsbury T&T Clark an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)
670 $a Menswear trends / Aki Choklat. - London [etc.], cop. 2018. $b Wydawca: (Bloomsbury Visual Arts an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)
670 $a The handbook of glaze recipes / Linda Bloomfield. - London, 2018. $b Wydawca (Herbert Press)
670 $a Kitchen confidential : adventures in the culinary underbelly / Anthony Bourdain. - New York ; London, 2000. $b Wyd.
670 $a States, the law and access to refugee protection / edited by Maria O'Sullivan and Dallal Stevens. - Oxford ; Portland, Oregon ; London, 2017. $b Wydawca (Hart Publishing, an imprint of Bloomsbury Plc)
670 $a Old Testament conceptual metaphors and the christology of Luke's Gospel / Gregory R. Lanier. - London ; New York, 2018. $b Wydawca (T&T Clark Bloomsbury Publishing Plc).
670 $a Allocating international responsibility between member states and international organisations / Nikolaos Voulgaris. - Oxford, 2019. $b (Hart Publishing, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)
670 $a Kp. Chinese wallpaper in Britain and Ireland / Emile de Bruijn. - London, 2018. $b Wydawca (PWP)
670 $a Ants of Britain and Europe / C. Lebas [i 3 pozostałych]. - London, 2019. $b Na s. tyt.: (Bloomsbury Wildlife) ; na s. red.: (Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Wildlife and the Diana logo are trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc), Green Tree (~2017)
670 $a The faces of human rights / edited by Kasey McCall-Smith, Jan Wouters and Felipe Gómez Isa. - Oxford [i pozostałe], 2019. $b Na stronie redakcyjnej (Hart Publishing Bloomsbury Publishing Plc)
670 $a Kp. Soccermatics / David Sumpter. - London, 2016. $b S. tyt. (Bloomsbury Sigma) ; S. red. (Bloomsbury Sigma an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc)
670 $a Hafiz and his contemporaries / Dominic Parviz Brookshaw. - London ; New York, 2019. $b Na stronie redakcyjnej: (I. B. Tauris - Bloomsbury Publishing Plc)
670 $a, 1.12.2020 $u
670 $a The age of ageing better? / Anna Dixon. - London [i pozostałe], 2020. $b (Green Tree).
670 $a a The age of ageing better? / Anna Dixon. - London [i pozostałe], 2020. $b (Green Tree).
670 $a Such a Fun Age / Reid Kiley. - London [i pozostałe], 2020. $b Na s. tyt.: (Bloomsbury Circus)
670 $a A critical and exegetical commentary on exodus 1-18 : in two volumes, Vol. 2, Commentary on Exodus 11-18 / by G. I. Davies, F.B.A. - London [i pozostałe], 2020. $b S. tyt.: (t&t clark)
670 $a Women making Shakespeare / edited by Gordon McMullan, [i pozostali]. - London, 2013. $b (Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.).
670 $a The Arden research handbook of contemporary Shakespeare criticism / edited by Evelyn Gajowski. - London, 2021. $b (The Arden Shakespeare, Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)
670 $a It's too scary! / Adam & Charlotte Guillian. - London, cop. 2019. $b Strona tytułowa: Bloomsbury Education ; strona redakcyjna: Bloomsbury Education is trademarks of Bloomsbury Publishing
670 $a Futsal : training, technique and tactics / Peter Sturgess. - London, 2017. $b (Bloomsbury Sport)
670 $a Created in China : how China is becoming a global innovator / Georges Haour and Max von Zedtwitz. - London [i pozostałe], 2016. $b (Bloomsbury Information an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.)
670 $a Birds of China / John Mackinnon and Nigel Hicks. - London ; New York, 2016. $b (Bloomsbury Natural History an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc)
670 $a Identification of feathers of the birds of Western Europe / Cloé Fraigneau. - London, 2021. $b (Helm)
670 $a Leading organizations : ten timeless truths / Scott Keller, Mary Meaney. - London, 2017. $b (Bloomsbury Busienss, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc)
999 $a VIRTUA4          x
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