Authority search results

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Authority search results
Authorized headings Type of heading Records
Hasło osobowe:
Gerritsz, Hessel (1581-1632).
used for/see from:
Gerrits, Hessel.
Gerardus, Hesselus.
Gerard, Hessel.
Assum, Hessel Gerritszoon van.
Gerritszoon, Hessel.
Gerardus, Hessel.
Gherrijtszoon van Assum, Hessel.
Gerritszoon van Assum, Hessel.
Gerritsz Alcmarinus, Hessel.
Alcmarinus, Hessel Gerritsz.
Gerryts, Hessel.
Gerrits, Gesselʹ.
Control number: n 2012074672
Details Hasło osobowe 3 records